Usually, people do not care about hearing screening when they don’t experience a hearing issue. But because hearing loss usually develops after some time, you may not know any changes in your hearing. This is the reason you must get regular dépistage auditif Audiologie Centre-Ouest to identify signs of hearing loss. By establishing your baseline hearing, some medical ear conditions that may result in tinnitus or hearing loss over time can be diagnosed.
Importance of Hearing Assessments
Although excessive exposure to noise and aging commonly cause hearing loss, underlying medical conditions may also result in hearing issues. Your case history and a hearing test can determine the cause of your hearing loss. You may have to undergo further testing if your screening results indicate that you must be referred to a specialist like an otologist or otolaryngologist.
Important Benefits of Hearing Tests
Once hearing loss is confirmed, you must get a hearing test regularly. This way, your audiologist can monitor your hearing, determine factors that contribute to the issue, and offer appropriate treatment. Here’s how regular hearing tests can help:
- Degeneration. A hearing aid can stimulate auditory system degeneration and give the brain new sensory information. An audiologist tests your ability to hear and makes sure your hearing aids’ amplification is prescribed specifically for your hearing loss. Should your hearing change, your hearing devices can be reprogrammed so they conform to a new prescription.
- Balance disorders. Hearing tests can help diagnose some balance disorders that originate from the ears like Meniere’s Disease, sudden onset hearing loss, and positional vertigo. Early diagnoses can help you get appropriate treatment right away.
- Tinnitus. Patients who have hearing loss may experience tinnitus, a condition characterized by persistent ringing, buzzing, whistling, and hissing noise in their ear. With this noise, you may not be able to sleep or focus properly. An audiologist can test your hearing, collect information on your lifestyle and health history to determine the cause of tinnitus, as well as recommend treatment options.
- Better treatment response. You must see an audiologist regularly and get your hearing checked even if you have no hearing issues. Regular hearing screenings can help identify hearing problems that are slowly developing before they can cause significant effects on your ability to hear and become hard to treat. Typically, if you have milder hearing loss, you may respond to treatment better than people who have serious long-standing hearing loss and do not get treatment.