March 31, 2025

Functional exercises are those that are essential for all round fitness, and will alow you to perform daily activities with ease and comfort. Learn more about these essential exercises here:

  1. Squats: despite being a simple exercise, many people perform it incorrectly. Do it correctly by:
  • Hip should be feet distance apart
  • Keep the knees over the ankles. Then bend your knees and move your posterior as though you are sitting on a chair.
  • The lower legs and the knees should form a 90 degree angle
  • The knees should not over extend the toes
  • Raise you body up and repeat for at least 5-8 times
  • 10 reps are required, with three sets about three times weeky.
  1. Lunges: The working leg needs to be forward, the hip distance for the back leg apart and you should stand in a split stance. The back leg heel should be up.
  • The knees should be bent, with the front knees over the ankles. The exercise will work when the back and front leg a ne a 90 degree angle.
  • Rise up and repeat the exercise.
  • 10 reps are recommended with three sets and two or three times weekly.
  1. Pushups: This happens with a basic plug, with your hands wider than the shoulders, with the palms on the supporting floor.
  • The back should be straight, and don’t let it sag. The head and the neck should be aligned with the back.
  • The elbows are bent slowly, while you bring your chest to the floor.
  • Then push against the floor and make your arms straightened, and then resume the starting position.
  • You are recommended to do 10 repetitions, of three sets each about three times a week.
  1. Pull-ups: Position yourself under the bar, and keep your hands wider than your shoulders. This will activate your core.
  • Pull yourself upwards so that your chin touches the bar. Your posture should be straight during this maneuverer.
  • Then lower yourself down gently, keeping in mind that your arms have to be straight and the feet do not touch the bench or the floor.
  • Begin with five repetitions, two sets, about two or three times weekly and increase the frequency slowly without straining yourself.
  • Some modifications that you can use are pull up machines, where the greater the weight you use, the easier it becomes.
  • A lateral pull up machine will also yield good results, so bend your knees to make the exercise easier.
  1. Rotation: As a human being, you will require rotation of some sort or the other.
  • Ensure a good alignment and stand tall. Hold a weight or a medicine ball that is not too heavy and keep it in front of you with straight arms.
  • Then rotate this ball from side to side, as much as your range of movement allows. It is essential to maintain a good posture while you do this.

These simple exercises will help you to stay in good health and improve your metabolism, resulting in optimum food intake and a healthy lifestyle.